While students followed along on their iPads in MeeGenius, I read aloud the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." I deliberately read aloud making similar mistakes that the students had when they recorded their reading last week, asking the students to write down errors they heard me making. I also asked them to write down how I could improve. They did a good job as a class, noticing things like: read too slow, read too fast, read haltingly, read in a monotone, read without expression, skipped words, and added words. They suggested that I slow down, read with expression, focus on phrasing, and focus on each word as I read.
After discussion on how my reading aloud could improve, pairs of students used headphones to listen to their reading from last week and recorded in writing how they and their partners could improve. Having seen me model this for the class, they did a pretty good job of critiquing their own reading. I asked most of them if they thought they could improve in their next recording and they all said they could. They began recording the same story again. Unfortunately we always run out of time before both students in the pairs could rerecord their stories.
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